This historical map portrays the area of Beehive in 1956, primarily covering Stillwater County. Featuring a scale of 1:24000, this map provides a highly detailed snapshot of the terrain, roads, buildings, counties, and historical landmarks in the Beehive region at the time. Published in 1968, it is one of 3 known editions of this map due to revisions or reprints.
40 maps found
1892 Stillwater
Stillwater County, MT
1898 Granite Mountain District
Stillwater County, MT
1932 Nye No 1
Stillwater County, MT
1932 Nye No 2
Stillwater County, MT
1939 Mt Wood
Stillwater County, MT
1941 Mt. Wood
Stillwater County, MT
1955 Antelope Point
Stillwater County, MT
1955 Cow Face Hill
Stillwater County, MT
1955 Russell Gulch
Stillwater County, MT
1955 Sandborn Creek
Stillwater County, MT
1955 Springtime
Stillwater County, MT
1955 Whitebird School
Stillwater County, MT
1956 Battle Butte
Stillwater County, MT
1956 Beehive
Stillwater County, MT
1956 Columbus East
Stillwater County, MT
1956 Columbus West
Stillwater County, MT
1956 Emerald Lake
Stillwater County, MT
1956 Horse Butte
Stillwater County, MT
1956 Hunter Lake
Stillwater County, MT
1956 Lindemulder Hill
Stillwater County, MT
1956 Molt
Stillwater County, MT
1956 Rock Spring
Stillwater County, MT
1956 Roscoe NW
Stillwater County, MT
1956 Shane Ridge
Stillwater County, MT
1956 Wheat Basin
Stillwater County, MT
1956 Wheat Basin SW
Stillwater County, MT
1980 Broadview West
Stillwater County, MT
1985 Hailstone Basin SE
Stillwater County, MT
1985 Hailstone Basin
Stillwater County, MT
1985 Locomotive Butte SE
Stillwater County, MT
1986 Cathedral Point
Stillwater County, MT
1986 Granite Peak
Stillwater County, MT
1986 Little Park Mountain
Stillwater County, MT
1986 Mount Wood
Stillwater County, MT
1996 Beehive
Stillwater County, MT
1996 Cathedral Point
Stillwater County, MT
1996 Emerald Lake
Stillwater County, MT
1996 Granite Peak
Stillwater County, MT
1996 Little Park Mountain
Stillwater County, MT
1996 Mount Wood
Stillwater County, MT